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I really want to play this but mac does not allow me to play saying

"The developer of this app needs to update it to work with this version of macOS. Contact the developer for more information"

it says 32-bit is not supported so is there any way to make this 64 bit?

Thank you for your interest in the game, unfortunately I'm no longer updating this title as I'm busy working on other projects and I'm also generally no longer supporting mac as there are just too many hoops to jump through. Sorry about that, and again thank you for your interest I wish I had better news!

No problem thank you for responding to me. 

A really well designed adventure game, and I loved the graphics style.


Thank you very much

Your welcome. The music was great too.

I was wondering though, will the full game be released? I saw a post elsewhere that it is no longer being developed. 

The game hasn't been developed at all beyond this release, but aspects of it are present in another project of mine which should be released sometime beginning of 2020.

Cool! Will definitely be on the look out for it.


I had a play and found that this gem of a game gave me a little challenge for which I enjoyed. I thought that I would have completed the game far early than the length of the video but no, I killed the giant pumpkid gaurdian and then got slaughterd,  after that it was pretty much a downhill run for me but well done DEVS.


Thank you very much! Cool to see another playthrough after so much time :)

Hello, I played your demo on my channel and loved it! Sorry I couldn't beat it though as I was very limited in recording time. Can't wait to see the full game!

Keep on spoopin'!

(Played on mac btw)

Deleted 5 years ago

I'm so glad that I downloaded this! @SnugWire told me about this game! It's very creative, and I am specifically impressed with your UI skills! :)


Thank you very much! I will be sure to thank @SnugWire as well!

Interesting concept for a game one problem I had was the game counted me as dead while i still had a little health left. Other than that interested to see where this game goes.


Thank you very much, the health does reach zero but the bar doesn't. I'll fix it for the full game!



Interesting Demo, loved the models of the NPC's and the Buildings.

Intrigued to see where you go with this so have a dollar on me.

Thank you very much!


Played your game really like the low poly models and atmosphere,

Anyway, I notice a few bugs.

1. Animations a lot of your animations and the speed the player is moving at aren’t synced so it looks like the model is gliding.

2. Your camera has no clipping, so it can be pushed through the walls of the world easy fix there should be anti-camera clipping script in the unity standard assets.

3. Attacking animations need more weight to them so that after enemy swings it takes time for them to pick up a weapon your cant achieves this look with a timer needs to be a part of the animation its self.

4. Enemy lock on you can lock on to an enemy that’s on the other side of the map you can fix with a distance check or if you want to avoid being able to lock on to enemy’s through walls use a sphere recast basically whenever the enemy is within the sphere a ray cast will be shot at it if it hits then you can lock on to it.

5. The rolling is a bit clunky I’m guessing that when the player presses W,A,S,D it sets the type of roll you will use kind of works but would work better if I was based on your velocity of the rigid body on the player and when the rigid body has 0 velocity on the X and Z it always rolls forwards, the roll makes the player slower probably would work better if the it added force to the current velocity of the rigid body.

6. Stamina regenerates while you are spending it making it last forever makes it very easy to stun lock enemies.

7. When the enemy attacks you and you move away from them before they finish their attack they kind of get bugged and slide back to the original position must be to do with if your using bools to turn off and on AI behaviors not sure how you can fix this might need to check your timers when the enemy attacks.

Other than that, thanks for the chance to play your game I enjoyed it and Happy Halloween.

P.S sorry for bad spelling,

Austin Jones @TrashProgrammer

(2 edits)

Hi Austin, 

Thank you for playing my game. Out of your list I believe I have fixed problems: #1, #4, and #6. If you would, please give the new version a download and let me know if you feel those issues are fixed. The other issues I will likely focus on for the full game as development moves forward.

Your feedback is highly valued, and Happy Halloween!

P.S. If you like the game please rate it, it really helps me out :)

Thanks for the reply nice to see the changes animation looks nicer now and the stamina works better may i suggest you increase the stamina regeneration if you play games like dark souls you notice that your stamina drops fast but it comes back fairly quickly makes the player able to attack and roll a lot but they cant stun lock enemy's and have to move back after an attacking stage.  also does your AI have rigid Body because when you run into them they get moved back should probably turn them to kinematics and when you need the AI to move use Nav mesh agent and a nave mesh obstacle on the player this will improve the movement of the AI and make them less slidey on the ground.

Thanks for the chance to play,

Austin Jones.

The AI have both nav mesh agents and rigid bodies on them. I will take a look at how messing with the kinematic setting affects them. 

Thank you for playing! The game is made for the players :)

If you are using the rigid body for collisions then kinematic will work fine it just takes off all the physics.